Johan Dyberg & Johan Sjö
Johan Dyberg
MSc Engineering, KTH
Over 20 years’ experience of directly or indirectly (as CEO or Chairman) leading long term organic profitability development of SMEs as well as companies or departments within large international organizations where acquisitions have been a natural part of the business.
Other engagements include:
SVP within Addtech AB where he for 7 years was responsible for significant sustainable profit development within the Business Area Industrial Processes (IP)(publ).
Earlier leading positions with a focus on driving vertical development were held within both publicly listed companies like Husqvarna AB (publ), Caterpillar (Inc) as well as at several privately owned SMEs.
Chairman of the Board, advisor, and interim CEO at a number of companies.
Johan Sjö
Chairman INIVI
MSc in Business & Economics
Over 20 years’ experience of developing publicly listed as well as privately owned companies, IPO’s, acquisitions, and financing.
Other engagements include:
As CEO of Addtech AB (publ) for 13 years, the last years also as Chairman of the Board, he was responsible for creating long-term profitable growth for the organization. As Chairman of the Board of Addlife AB (publ) he has ensured strong growth of the company since it was spun off from Addtech AB and publicly listed in its own right. Under Johan’s leadership the two companies made more than 120 acquisitions.
Chairman of the Board and Board member in several other publicly listed and privately owned companies.
Leading roles at Bergman & Beving AB (publ) for 5 years. During this time approx. 80 acquisitions and 20 divestments where made.
Before that, different roles within Alfred Berg/ABN Amro.
If you are searching for a partner to develop your company and your employees in the next phase, we are genuinely interested in meeting you to explore if INIVI can be right for you.
Johan Dyberg Johan Sjö